Friday, December 20, 2013

Competing Story on 'Look Before You Leap'

Read the following outlines and develop them into a complete story. Give a suitable title to it.
Once a crocodile wanted her four children to be educated—she went to fox—he ate one of them—the cunning fox again ate one of them—the fox ate all the kids—do not need their mother



Look Before You Leap/A Foolish Crocodile

Once a crocodile wanted her four children to be educated. So she went to a fox and asked him to educate her children. The fox willingly agreed to do so. Being satisfied with the speech of the fox, the crocodile left her children to the fox. But the fox was cunning by nature and he was fond of eating crocodile’s kids. So, he ate one of them and kept the other three. After a week the crocodile came to the fox to meet her sweet kids and inquired about her children. The fox assured that the kids were learning very swiftly and they were meritorious too. Being satisfied with the speech of the fox, the crocodile again left the place. In the meantime the cunning fox again ate one of them. The crocodile again came to the fox and the fox showed one kid twice making a total of four. The crocodile became satisfied and went away.
The next week the crocodile again came to see her kids. Now only one kid was left. The fox followed the same trick before the crocodile and told her that their education would be complete by the following week. Now then the fox ate up the remaining kid and deserted the place forever.
After a week the crocodile came with pleasant mind to take away her children. But alas! She found nobody in the jungle. She searched her sweet children here and there but found none. Finally, she understood the matter and left the place with profound grief.

Alternative Story with the Same Moral

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